Subject: Have you faked it until you made it?

Here's something for those of you who have 'faked it until you made it.'


Marie Oldfield John Robinson Daniel Lee First Time Leadership Kuinua podcast

Have you ever been successful in ‘faking it until you made it’?  


For me, I didn't ‘make it’, so I stopped faking it and just focused on being myself. That eventually worked for me.  


Recently, I came back as a repeat guest on the Kuinua podcast by Marie Oldfield to kick off their Season 4, together with John Robinson.  


As the concept of ‘fake it until you make it’ was quite a hit on the Kuinua podcast sometime back, we ended up having a spirited conversation for about 75 mins as we shared our perspectives on how first time leaders and even middle managers engage in, succumb, and overcome this challenge. 


If this topic is of interest to you, I invite you to join us in the recording here: 


For those who are keen to get over this ‘fake it until you make it.’ stage, I offer a coupon code that grants you a discount off my First Time Leadership book that could help you be authentic and confident leaders quicker


That coupon code is valid till end of Sept. You only have to find it in the video.   

Watch the video and get the coupon code