Thanks for joining me this morning - you are in for treat on the recording! |
Dear Friend
I trust you enjoyed this morning's call as much as I did, the energy felt wonderful, and the Activation was powerful, with the messages coming through early on in the piece. |
There is also a day 1 workbook for Intentions - these are guidelines and prompts to consider how you would like to FEEL in 28 days, if not before. I highly encourage you to listen and make notes before tomorrow's new moon at 7pm AEST, so you can immerse in the course with full energy, focus and direction to vision. |
Thanks for all your input and questions so far in the Facebook group, I am enjoying the collective energy already. Feel free to comment using #share anything that has come up for you so far, or your intentions. However the space can support you in the time you have.
Day 2 recordings will be sent via a link on newsletter and in FB group, just as soon as they are ready. I will be moving towards getting them to you first thing, just getting to grips with tech today for distribution...
Until tomorrow, stay in the space of Infinite Possibilities.
Namaste Jo x