Subject: Day 17 - Find your stability with Polaris

Did you keep worry free for 24 hours?!
Dear Friend

Yesterday's recordings helped you understand our programming for worry, and how we can shift that. Can you see how much energy we waste on things that may never eventuate!? 

Today we call upon the energy of Polaris, to give us a sense of stability, and being able to rely upon the connections we have to the All That Is. This increases our confidence, and trust to follow our hearts. 

The password to access the daily pages  is : brilliance28

Day 17 of the course is available here

The narrative audio of 7" is longer than the bullet points in the pdf.
The 20" Activation helps us find strength and stability in our connections, knowing they are always there to support us. 
Until tomorrow, note how strong and confident you can feel when fully supported by your web of connections. 


Jo x
PO Box 1011, 5068, Kensington Gardens, Australia
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