Subject: Hi Friend! Very Important Update!!!!

Hi Friend,

I would like to welcome all our new members to the team. We're are here for the long 
haul and will be building our team until it's no longer viable to do so. We have had our
fair share of up's and down's and we still continue to build. Thanks to our many dedicated members 
who continue to support our team.

You received an email the other day about an opportunity and I bet that had you scratching your head. 
I do apologize  for not giving you more of a notice but I will get to that in a moment. First, lets take care
of some team business.

As I place new members in vacant accounts, there seems to be some confusion regarding
that process so I'm going to make the process a little more clear in this email and I also have made 
it more clear in the welcome email.

Once you get your user id and password, here is what you need to do.

1. Go in the account and and click on menu.
2. Click on account update
3. Change all your information to yours. (Note, you cant' change the user id.)
4. Once you have made those changes, click on the menu tab and then click on "Activate".
5. Upgrade your account.
6. Advertise the team link... not your individual link. Promote this link:
7. Advertise, advertise and advertise some more. The more we advertise the faster we grow.

That's it. That is all there is to it. Very easy. This is a team build and the team as a whole helps everyone
in the team to get 2 referrals. If you take over an account, you may or may not already have two referrals.
If your referrals are inactive or don't have any, they will be replaced. How long it will take depends upon
the teams advertising. If we don't promote the team link, we won't get potential members. If half the team
only promotes, it will be a slower than normal process to get new members. Please advertise the team

 Right now, we are concentrating on filling the vacant accounts in our team matrix.  There are a lot of holes
in the matrix that we need to get filled. Then we will continue to build deep. It will be a slow process so please
know that going in. Once we can plug all the holes and start building, we should do well.

Here is the problem I'm seeing, due to the time it takes to get people two referrals, and build under them so
they make money off filling their levels, people drop out and that leaves holes in the matrix. It's just the nature
of the beast that people get impatient and quit if they don't see immediate results. It's a constant battle and
very time consuming for me to go back and check all these accounts. Even the new prospects join and
request a account, 1 out of 5 may upgrade. The others will do nothing. Those that don't do anything, I have
to go back and change the password for the next member . Again, very time consuming. This takes up a large
part of my time but I do it because I'm the leader of the team. It's my responsibility and even though most would
given up, that's not how I roll! Like I said, we're here until GoBig7 is no longer viable. That hasn't happen yet so
lets stay focused on the team.

I'm desperately waiting on the new additional earning opportunity from GoBig7 to put a little spark back in
GoBig7 and the wait has been too long from what they keep promising us. To me, it should have been done months
ago. Now they barely make mention of it so I'm going to send in a support ticket to see if I can't get a
time frame when they're going to roll that portion of GoBig7 out.  I'll keep you posted.

Now... as you all know, I have been looking for that  perfect opportunity so that members of our team
can earn some income while we build GoBig7.  I really wanted to just focus on our team build but it
has become evident that we need to infuse the team with excitement so we stay on point instead of wondering
if you'll ever make decent money with GoBig7 team build. Trust me, you will but it's a slow process and we
will get there but In the mean time , I have found something that I have been waiting for, for a long time.
You're going to love this... trust me.

Here it is... I'm on a team called "Top Team Gold". This is the biggest team that is in the new opportunity
called 25 Dollar Legacy. 25 Dollar Legacy has already had a 48 hour soft launch to get all the leaders
and their members in.  In this time frame, not all the leaders were able to get their leaders in but that was
to be expected and not a big deal. It means that they went on their sponsors list to get a link when we fully
launch on April 27th.

From what I understand, there will be some big heavy hitters getting on board when we launch and I suspect
thousands to join as this is going to get promoted heavily. One heavy hitter that I know is Michael
 Colucci. He is lining up his team as we speak and I predict he'll fill his 1st matrix right out of the gate.
You only need 39 people to fill it and when you do, that's 195 smackers in your wallet. plus, if you
work this and bring in your team, you get paid 10 bucks a month for each referral. Man, at only 39 people,
it's a no brainer. anyone can do this with the help of overspill and underspill.      

Now, I'm in and my first level is full in my matrix. That's means that anyone that signs up under my link
will be spillover. I plan on promoting this one big time. I thought about doing a team build similar to
what we're doing with GoBig7 and get every one 3 referrals but I have decided against that and here is
why. Why limit yourself to just three referrals?? No, you can do much better than that and deserve it.

It would also take up way too much of my time to where I couldn't effectively manage both opportunities.
I know GoBig7 team build would suffer and that, I will not let happen so I have decided to build a team
with in a team. This is going to be great. Lot's of spillover will happen. Just remember, I'm part of the
biggest team in 25 Dollar Legacy and you will reap the benefits of that.

So, I have created an opt in page so that right at launch time, my link is going out to the team. Now
our Top Team Gold has created a capture page as well and they will make you one.  They may charge you
a small fee for it but it is worth it. Or you can make your own but members who don't sign up
through the top team link will not get the tools that they're offering come launch time. I have made
it clear that when people sign up to my capture page that they need to sign up one more time to my
Top Team Gold page.  Very simple process. 

Now, this is going to be a big one for 2016. It will cost you 25 dollars to start and you will be able
to upgrade from profits earned. You don't have to upgrade but why not? I know I was happy to earn
195 smackers on a 25 d.ollar investment. That's without any referral commissions. It could
be much more if you put a little work in it. You can do this Friend!! Remember, only 39 people
to fill your matrix! It doesn't get any easier than that! And this is a true follow your sponsor matrix.

If you see the potential in this, click on the link below to sign up to my capture page. That will
get you in and able to receive the link at launch. Then just follow the instructions in your welcome
letter and get to work lining up your people. Just think, even if just half our team upgraded, there
would be ton's of spill... it's crazy I tell you.

Click on this link and sign up. make sure you open the confirmation email.

Now, if you want, for the first 10 people that request it, I will make you the very same capture
page as mine. You will need to do or have 2 things in place. 

1. You would need your own auto responder and supply me with your code for the opt in form.
2. You need to get a capture page from John in our Facebook Group (This may cost you a few bucks)
(You'll need this so you can offer the tools to your prospects. They must join the Top Team Gold to get)  

After everything is said and done, join our Top Team Gold Facebook group here:   

Then get ready for April 27th launch! It's going to be very exciting. Oh, one more
thing, they have several webinars that you can participate in and send your prospective
members too. This is going to be big Friend and I don't want you to get left behind
on this one.

Sorry for the long email but it was much needed as I haven't updated in a while. Also, I
know that some members have sent me emails and I should be able to respond to them
shortly, I do have a member or two that I have to get links for our Gobig7 team but
after that, I should be all caught up.

Have a great Sunday Friend and I look forward to helping you earn money with our team:-)
