Subject: 25 D.ollar Opportunity Was A Success Friend!!

Hi Friend,

We had a great launch! With the exception of a minor glitch, everything
went very well! Lot's of people are making money and we have a few
team members that have followed me into the 2nd matrix already. Good
job team! I see nothing but bright skies ahead for our team. Lets get out
there and spread the word.      

If you haven't signed up yet, here is the link:

Get in and get upgraded! We'll be working this one for a long time to
come Friend and we don't want you to get left behind. This
is a golden opportunity to earn residual income.  Don't delay! Get in

You can also join our facebook team. (See link below).  If interested, they
have started a rotator which will promote your link for a full 7 days.  They
charge a fee for this but it's highly effective and well worth the fee.

Well, that's all I have for now. I just wanted to touch base with the team
to make sure everyone got a link who wanted one.  if you have any questions,
please drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dan Rose