Subject: Make the Most of Monday Meetings

Dear Friend

Roger Darlington wrote an interesting story about Monday meetings.

Martin was returning to work in his London office after spending two weeks with his brother in New York. He was coming back with a heavy heart. It was not just because it was the end of a wonderful holiday or because he invariably suffered badly from jet lag... It was because Monday mornings always began with a team meeting, and, over the months, he had grown to hate them.

Martin was aware that colleagues approached these meetings with hidden agendas; they indulged in game-playing; and he knew that people were not being honest and open. The meetings themselves were bad enough - but then there was all the murmuring afterwards. "The usual people saying the usual things". "I could have improved on that idea, but I wasn't going to say". "I was thinking of making a suggestion - but I couldn't be bothered".

As this morning's meeting began, Martin braced himself for the usual moroseness and monotony. But, as the meeting progressed, he became aware of a strange background noise. At first, he thought that he was still hearing the engine noise from the aircraft that had brought him back to London - he had had to sit over the wing and the droning was terrible. But, as he concentrated on the noise, it became a little clearer.

He realised - to his amazement - that he could hear what his colleagues were thinking as well as what they were saying. As he concentrated still harder, he found that he could actually hear what they were thinking at the same time as they were speaking. What surprised him, even more than the acquisition of this strange power, was that he discovered that what people were saying was not really what they were thinking. They were not making their reservations clear. They were not supporting views which they thought might be unpopular. They were not contributing their new insights. They were not volunteering their new ideas.

Martin found it impossible not to respond to his new knowledge. So he started to make gentle interventions, based more on what he could hear his colleagues thinking than on what he could hear them saying. "So, John are you really saying..." "Susan, Do you really think that..." "Tom, have you got an idea on how we could take this forward?" He was aware that his colleagues were unsettled by how insightful these interventions were. They looked at him mystified. In truth, he felt rather proud of his newly acquired talent.

Emboldened now, Martin forgot his usual misery at participating in such meetings and began making comments of his own. However, he became aware that some of his colleagues were looking at him quizzically. One or two even had a gentle smile playing on their lips. Only gradually did it dawn on him - they could hear his thoughts and he was not really saying what he was thinking.

As the meeting progressed, Martin became aware of changes to the tone and style of the event. It was clear to him now that, one by one, each member of the meeting was learning how to hear the thoughts of all the others and this was subtly changing how they interacted with one another. The game-playing started to fall away; people started to speak more directly; views became better understood; the atmosphere became more open and trusting.

The meeting ended. As people left the room, Martin found that he could still hear what they were thinking. "That was the best meeting we've ever had." "All meetings should be like that." "In future, I'm going to say what I think".

Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your meetings:

  1. Be prepared – You are invited (or leading) the meeting for a reason, be prepared to contribute meaningfully. Read up, research, look through previous meeting notes and know the points of discussion if you can.

  2. Arrive early – You have an advantage if you arrive early enough to settle down and understand the dynamics of the meeting and other people in attendance.

  3. Network – Arriving early gives you a better chance to network. Meet and greet, and build emotional connections with other attendees which can later serve you well in the meeting.

  4. Listen – Your physical motions indicate whether or not you are actively listening and fully engaged in meetings. Make eye contact, nod and smile, and ask questions. Don’t engage in side talks, play on your phone or doze off.

  5. Don’t waste time – Many people hate meetings because they see them as time wasters. If you are leading a meeting, value other people’s time.

It’s Monday… make the most of your meetings this week.

