Subject: Top Ten Ways to Get the Most from Your Digital Card

Hello Sharks!

As the holidays come to a close, it's time to start preparing for new business in the new decade. If you are using your digital card correctly, it can be a great contributor to that your success. Here are the top ten ways you can get the most out of your card:

1) PROMOTE IT!! - The card doesn't work alone. The more you promote it the more you will see results. Make sure it's a part of all of your marketing materials, post cards, brochures, etc. Make sure it's part of your email signature. If you have a vehicle wrap, make sure it's part of that as well. Give out your keyword at EVERY opportunity.

2) FOLLOW UP! Are you following up with the cell numbers that you receive? More importantly how exactly are you doing that? I recommend creating a separate folder for your InBox and let the emails filter in to that folder. Within one or two days, follow up via text with an open ended question. Instead of "Let me know if I can assist . . . " use something like "Would you be open to a quick phone call that . . .", etc. Also, ask them for a name and email so you can put them into your drip campaign.

3) Send a second auto-responder. I currently have it set up so that 20 minutes or so after they have received my card I ask them (automatically) if they'd like to set up something on my calendar. If they don't do that I still follow up a day or two later from my own cell phone. To set that up, simply ask me to do it and it's free.

4) Consider upgrading to our new ROI tracker. Seeing what people are doing on your card will help you figure out what's working and what's not. That information caused me to change some things on my own card. You can get a list of phone numbers that have texted your keyword, see what buttons they pressed, how many times your card has been accessed in the last month, etc. Check out this video to see all of the features in detail. The cost of this is $9.95 per month per card.

5) Market it on LinkedIn. I have been using LinkedIn a lot more recently and have already seen great results. See how I changed my profile to promote my keyword. Since I use it in the first few words of my description, that is seen every time I comment on someone else's post.

6) Take advantage of your business pages. Do you have a LinkedIn page for your business? How about for Facebook? You can be promoting your keyword in the profile photo for each. Here's an example of my LinkedIn business page.

7) Use short videos. Recently I have been creating a number of 30 second to 1 minute videos with either short marketing messages or inspirational quotes. I make sure to include my keyword each time. I then share these on all of my social media channels. Check out (and please subscribe) to my YouTube channel to see some examples. FYI I can create similar videos with your keyword on it for as little as $50.00 each.

8) Wear your lanyard EVERYWHERE. I will say I don't wear my lanyard to church. But that's about it. Everywhere else people ask me about it and that's a great conversation starter.

9) PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE!! Did I mention you should promote it? Resist the urge to hand out your paper card when asked and get them to text your keyword instead. If they don't want to do that, share your card with them by text. Either way you'll still have their cell phone numbers. If you are in a networking group, state your keyword to your short code every time you get the opportunity. You may think that they've all already done it, but don't forget the visitors. Also, by repeating it you'll get them to remember your keyword which makes it easier for them to refer you out!!

10) Be patient! There are times when you might think that nobody's listening. But then you get that surprise phone call when a person you weren't expecting orders your product. This has happened to me several times. Even though people may not respond directly to your marketing they are seeing it if you are sending it out there.

I'd love to hear from you. What did I miss? How are you promoting your card? 



Gabe O'Neill
President, Digital Accelerant LLC
Text Gabe to 21000 to get my digital business card.
404.210.6854 (call or text)
Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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