Subject: NEW LinkedIn Group!!

Hello Sharks!! 
"The Accelerant Collective"
We now have a new LinkedIn group where we can share best practices on anything related to business. It will be moderated so I hope to only have posts with true benefit to everyone. Share your knowledge and others will want to connect with you.

We will start by inviting all of our card owners, then others. Feel free to invite anyone you like to join.

You should have already received a notification about your invite on LinkedIn. If you have not, and your settings are enabled (Goto Settings . . .Communications . . . How you Get Your Notifications . . . On LinkedIn. . . Network . . . Group Invitations), then simply ping me on LinkedIn and I'll send you another invite.

B2B Connections

Just a reminder that our next B2B Connections event is October 18th. Put it on your calendar TODAY!!

If you weren't there for our past events you missed it. You missed our now famous opening, the prize, and energetic breakout sessions designed to foster collaboration among attendees.

So now you know to get there early!!

Our next B2B event is Tuesday, October 18 at 1PM Eastern. Another free event open to all businesses.

You may register here for this event..



Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Digital Business Card"
Text GABE to 321.421.5213 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.