Subject: Join Us for AWESOME Networking TODAY!!

Hello SHARKS!!

Our next meeting is Thursday, March 18, at 1PM EDT.
Last week we tried something new and it was AMAZING!! It was so successful we will be doing it from now on. Be prepared to stay for the full 90 minutes to experience it.
On Thursday, March 25, at 1PM EDT will host our 52nd event, which means it has been 52 weeks (you are correct that adds up to ONE YEAR) since we started these meetings. MANY of you have gotten business from these events and they have ALL been FREE!! So please plan to attend this one, and bring at least one quality guest. This will be a 2 HOUR EVENT and will have TWO door prizes, each worth at least $100.00!!

Thank you SO MUCH to April from Network Lead Exchange (Text NLX to 21000), and Adawn Ehmen (Text HOSTAGE to 21000) for stepping up as sponsors!!
Register for ALL future events here:
Spend That Stimulus Check
What better way to spend your newfound money than to take a small piece of it and get something that will return you LOTS MORE!! Grab a spot on my calendar and let's get your digital card going!!



Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Digital Business Card"
Text GABE to 21000 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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