Subject: It's all about KAIZEN!!

Hello Sharks!! 
I have a client whose keyword is  KAIZEN, which for the unindoctrinated means "continuous improvement across an organization". That is his mantra, and coincidentally that means a lot to me as well.

If you have been following along, you'll notice that from time to time I will announce a new improvement to our card system. Today is no different. For a while now I have wanted our system to better handle those who tell us to come back in 2 weeks, a month, or whatever time works for them. Well just recently I released a version of our CRM software that allows you to write a text to the prospect now and have it automatically delivered at the time they requested. That is much better than communicating to them when they ask because by that time you will have forgotten most of the conversation. You can write something much more impactful at the time you meet that person.

 Book a call with the Godfather and I'll show you plenty more. Don't wait because my schedule is filling up FAST!!

Why do we call it a "video card system"? Here is a perfect example of how we leverage video in our marketing. 

So book a call with me TODAY. It won't cost you anything and could very well be the game changing decision that will help your business in a big way.

Want to learn more? Click on my calendar and we can get started on yours today!!



Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Video Business Card"
Text GABE to 321.421.5213 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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