Subject: How's That Stack of Business Cards Working Out?

Hello Sharks!! 
Is there Gold in Them Thar Business Cards??

If you have them, I'd love you to text me a picture of the stack of business cards you have in your office somewhere. Those cards that have been sitting since the last time you threw them all away. Go ahead, text that pic to 470-257-7749.
Do you believe there is revenue in those cards you are missing out on?

If so I have a solution for you. If you have a Trailblazer or Godfather Video Business Card package from us, then take each one and email them asking them to text your keyword to the number (321) 421-5213. Our users know that when a person does that, the user gets sent a link to the owner's video business card, and the owner gets the user's cell phone number and name dropped right in their own personal CRM. That person is also now enrolled in your text marketing campaign.

Or maybe you already have an email list. Ask them all to do the same. When they lay their eyes on your video business card, they will immediately know that you are a serious marketer and they will want to work with you.
If you are one of the unlucky ones who does not yet have a video business card from Digital Accelerant, I have good news for you. You can get one of your own by simply ordering one. 
Grab a spot on my calendar and I can walk you through the six distinct pillars in our tool that are designed to bring you more business.


Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Video Business Card"
Text GABE to 321.421.5213 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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