Subject: GET READY to GET BUSY!!

Hello Sharks!! 
Forget what you think you know about digital business cards. Our cards are FAR more robust with the driving purpose of landing our clients MORE BUSINESS!!

If there was ever a time to upgrade your marketing it is right now. Your competition is preparing for a busy season and if you're not, you will be left out in the cold.

So then why should you choose our disruptive video card system to help you grow your business? Well, that's up to you but I will list some reasons here why so many other people have.
  • "Your custom design makes me stand out."
  • "I got a 1200% ROI in the first three days of using it!"
  • "Your QR code always works. I get frustrated when my NFC tech fails."
  • "When you work so hard to make yourself look good, people will want to work with you."
  • "I like the fact that your card gets the prospect's info automatically without them having to fill out a form." 
  • "With your system, I don't have to worry about the first follow up. It handles that automatically."
  • "I can't wait to share my keyword with all of my colleagues so they can easily distribute my card. I know I'll get more referrals that way."
  • "I love how your system makes other people thing I'm a marketing expert."
Need more reasons? Book a call with the Godfather and I'll show you plenty more.

Why do we call it a "video card system"? Here is a perfect example of how we leverage video in our marketing. 

So book a call with me TODAY. It won't cost you anything and could very well be the game changing decision that will help your business in a big way.

Want to learn more? Click on my calendar and we can get started on yours today!!



Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Video Business Card"
Text GABE to 321.421.5213 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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