Subject: Ever Tried to Fix a Bike Chain?

Hello Sharks!! 

Do you remember what it was like when you were a kid and your bicycle chain broke? Not fun, especially if you were a ways from home.

The sales cycle is a lot like a bicycle chain. It has links, that when everything goes smoothly they all perform and you do end up making the sale. But how many times do those links break causing the sale to be lost? It's also frustrating because the chain can break at any point in the sale. Prospect is interested but can't reach them, prospect says they'll call you but they don't, prospect says they'll buy but they ghost you, etc.
What we have discovered is that the digital business card from Digital Accelerant helps shorten that cycle which removes some of the links. This means there are fewer links that can break.

For example, if you "train" your sphere to refer you out using your keyword and short code, they have a much quicker way to get you in front of their colleagues. When the prospect texts your keyword they immediately get your information and YOU get their cell phone number. They might even jump directly on your calendar which has already eliminated several "links" in the sales cycle.

So our digital card not only helps provide more people to your sales funnel, it streamlines the entire sales process as well, giving you much better odds towards a sale.

Grab a spot on my calendar and I will show you all the value that a digital card from us will bring you. I will show you exactly how it will draw more revenue. No hard sells here. If you don't see the value, you wouldn't be a good fit for it. If you do, however, I'll make it easy for you to purchase one. What have you got to lose?


Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Digital Business Card"
Text GABE to 21000 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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