Subject: BE the ONE They REMEMBER!!

Hello Sharks!! 
What are you doing to stand out in front of your competition? What are you doing to create a brand so that your prospects won't forget you?

That's where our disruptive custom video card fits in. The customization and attention to detail, along with the innovative splash video grabs them, the automatic capture of their data keeps them, and the instant follow up closes them.

Summer is almost over and opportunities are there. Don't let them fall by the wayside because you are using an inferior product.

"I had a digital card before and it didn't do anything for me" - This is what I hear most when people come to me. Then when they see the difference in our product, they immediately "get it".

"But yours are more expensive!" Of course they are. For all that is built inside of them we should charge much more. What kind of car do you drive? A Mercedes? BMW? Audi? or Ford Focus? There's a reason why so many people opt for a luxury car.

"How will it drive business to me?"  I've had two clients get a 1200% ROI in first 3 days, another made $200K in his first year and a third got 492 leads in one afternoon at a trade show. Just book a free call and I'll show you

"Wow!! It really is like a sales funnel with an incredible video card driving it!" Now you're getting it.
Here is a perfect example of how we leverage video in our marketing. 

So book a call with me. It won't cost you anything and could very well be the game changing decision that will help your business in a big way.

Want to learn more? Click on my calendar and we can get started on yours today!!



Gabe O'Neill
"The Godfather of the Video Business Card"
Text GABE to 321.421.5213 to get mine.

Digital Accelerant LLC, 94 Kipling Dr, 30132, Dallas, United States
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