We must develope a mindset to succeed

Hello there:

Why some succeed and some don’t?  The question many often ask is,

“why does he or she succeed and I can’t?”.  “Everything he or she touches

seems to turn to gold”.  I use to ask that question a lot.  However, my training

as an entrepreneur has given me the answer. 


We must have or develop a mind-set to succeed.  Mind-set has been described as,

“a mental attitude or inclination, a particular way of thinking”.  Our mind-set must be

a positive one.  Our mind-set must be clear about what we want to do and how we are

going to do it.  We must set goals (written goals).  If they are not written down, then

they are only dreams.


Earl Nightingale says that “we become what we think about”.  Writing your goals

down and looking at them every day is like your blueprint to success.  It reminds you

of what want to accomplish and how you expect to reach the success you are working

for.  If you are going to fly an airplane and have no flight plan, how do you expect to

reach your destination?

If we think positive thoughts, we will get positive results.  If we think negative thoughts


we will get negative results.  The people who think positive thoughts continue to

succeed while the people who think negative thoughts continue to fail.  We must have

a positive attitude and a positive mind-set.  It’s our path to success.

Talk soon,

Bernice Howard
