Hello there,

As I stated in Part 1 of this email after watching Les Brown’s Live Full and Die Empty video, I determined this information was something I needed to share with my subscribers, therefore I urge you to apply the following information to your business:


o   The difference between successful and unsuccessful sale

         professionals is the power to present.


o   Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

o   Develop your mind and your communication skills, because the

        moment you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are.


o   One of the things that top performers have going for them is the ability

         to present (on the telephone, one-on-one, small group settings, or

         speaking before a large audience.  It is something that can be



o   Master your knowledge.  Know what you are talking about.  Before

         you speak there is work you have to do on youWho you are

         behind the words will be more powerful than the words you

         speak.  When you come into the room for your presentation, you

         have to have a spirit about you, an energy that you expect

        this deal.  When you come into the room, watch your posture, your

        body language. Before you speak, read 10 or 15 pages of something

        positive because it increases your energy.  Your mindset must be,

        “this is it”, “it done”.  “It’s mine”. Have something that makes you

        stand out.  You have to believe in yourself, you have to sell yourself

        every day.  Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is

          the judgment that what you want is more important than your fear.


o   When you get knocked down try lying on your back, because if you

        can look up you can get up.


o   When you are involved in any area of life, you’ve got to have drive. 

         Kick it up a notch. You’ve got to have power, feeling and conviction. 

        You cannot be casual.  If you are casual about your dream you will

        sold yourself, they don’t care.  You have to give people enough

        emotional energy for people to say “I know this cost less, but I’m

        going to go with them”.


o   If you are going to be successful today, you’ve got to be flexible,

        versatile, and adaptable. 


o   Want shows up in conversation, expectation shows up in behavior,

         in choices, how you manage your time, how you manage your energy,

         your intention.  It’s not lip service.  People who are top achievers are

         so because they never stop learning, they have coaches.


 o   You have to trust that you’re going to be alright.  There’s nothing to

          support it, you’ve got to trust.


o   You have to give up who you’ve been for who you can become.


o   Sometimes you will have to believe in somebody’s belief in you until

         your belief kicks in.


Add these tips to your guideline of strategies that you plan to follow in building your business.  Consider them golden nuggets!

To your success,

Bernice Howard