Hello there,


After watching to Les Brown’s video, “Live Full and Die Empty, I

decided I would be doing my subscribers a disservice if I didn’t share these

important points with you to use as you build your business.  I will present

them in two parts.  Part 1 is as follows:


o   Greatness is a choice.

o   There are two people within all of us.  One that says “I can” and one that says

        “I can’t”.


o   Things that make you not reach your potential:

            -  Fear

            - Don’t feel that you’re good enough.  (make it okay to fail).

            -  Many people fail in life because they don’t reach high enough or don’t

               reach at all.


o   Leap and grow your wings on your way down.

o   To be a sales person you must be a risk taker.

o   Always strive to get on top because at the bottom it’s over crowded.

o   A setback is a setup for a comeback.

o   Work on yourself (read, talk to other people, etc.)

o   Focus on your mind (when your sales drop).  Read and feed your mind.  You

         Should read and listen to something positive and motivational every day.


o   Life is a fight for territory, and once you stop fighting for what you want, what

         you don’t want will automatically take over.  (Apply this to your life, your

         business, your health, etc.)


o   You will win if you don’t quit.

o   Go all out.

o   You have to out think and out work the competition.

o   When you meet your customers, get to know them, find out who they are,

         ask what they want, build a relationship, give them a presentation from

         their point of view, not yours.


o   Master your knowledge of the market place and the product.

o   You must do the things that your competition won’t do in order to have the

         things you want tomorrow.


I suggest you read these statements over and over until they stick in your mind, until they become a vital part of your path to success.


To your success,


Bernice Howard