Hello there,

Anyone attached to money, to the outcome, is struggling.  You need to have fun in this business.


          1.  Don’t be emotionally attached to money, to the outcome.  You want

     what the money can get you, not the money.  Become a

     magnetic marketer, attract people to you.  Learn as much

     as you can about humans. 


          2.  Learn persuasion.  You have to get the foundation right.  Build your

     castle on the foundation of stone.  The difference between successful

     people and failures is that:  failures talk in the language of “I can’t, “I’m

     going to try”, “I don’t think it’s going to work” but I’ll give it a shot”. 

     Successful people say, “I’m going to make”, “I’m going to find”.


Use these tips in your journey and see how positive they are on your path to success.

To your success,

Bernice Howard
