Hello there:

Being busy and being productive will take you a long way on your journey to becoming successful.  Production is a must when you are trying to reach your goal.

Always focus on income producing activities.


Marketing is indeed a skill and a critical one at that. It includes a broad range of activities and requires a combination of creativity, analytical thinking, communication, and strategic planning.  Among those marketing skills it should include understanding the target audience, analyzing market trends, and identifying customer needs and preferences, creating a strong, recognizable brand which involves consistency, creativity, and an understanding of what resonates with your audience.

Focus the majority of your time on developing you.  Absolutely, focusing on personal development is crucial for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life. Here are some areas you might consider:

1. Physical Health

          (a)      Exercise Regularly: Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular, strength,

                    and flexibility exercises.

         (b)      Healthy Eating: Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables,

                   whole grains, and lean proteins.

         (c)      Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.


2. Mental and Emotional Well-being

        (a)      Mindfulness and Meditation:  Practice techniques to reduce stress

                  and improve concentration.

3.    Career Development

         (a)      Skill Acquisition:  Continuously learn new skills relevant

                   to your career through courses, certifications, and reading.

         (b)     Networking:  Build relationships with professionals in your

                  field through events, social media, and professional organizations.

        (c)      Goal Setting:  Set short-term and long-term career goals

                  and regularly review your progress.


4.   Social Skills and Relationships

       (a)      Communication:  Work on active listening, empathy, and effective

 communication skills.

5.   Spiritual Growth. 

  (a)      Reflection: Spend time in reflection, prayer, or meditation to

                connect with your inner self and values.


Remember, personal development is a continuous journey. It's about making consistent, small improvements that accumulate over time. Stay patient, stay focused, and enjoy the process.

To your success.

Bernice Howard
