Subject: That was fun! + Something for You :)

Hi Friend!

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did

Honestly, there's hardly anything I love more than facilitating and witnessing clarity, connection, and congruence unfolding in aspiring, determined messengers. 

Thank you for showing up for yourself, your message, and each other

I think the clarity and laughter are evidence of the power of slowing down and creating the space to listen to our souls, our messages, and each other. 

I'm so grateful that you showed up and got a little uncomfortable and hopefully A LOT excited about what's possible for you and your message.:)

" what?"

I didn't have a lot of time to share, but that's only because I am always trying to cram as much value as I can into my time with amazing folks like you... 

But I do want to make sure you have options for future support if and when you need it. 

Special Bonus

#1: 30-Minute Clarity Session

It's not unusual to work through some of these prompts and then go home and find yourself asking, "Wait. Where did all of that clarity go?" It's the nature of the process and one of the reasons it's so incredibly valuable to work through this stuff with allies who can remind you of what you said. 

I'd love to connect with you about your message and answer any questions that may come up as you continue to work through these prompts.

CLICK HERE to book some time on my calendar.

#2: Group Innerlight Session

For those of you who are interested in learning more about the Innerlight Method of Therapeutic Mindfulness (balancing energy for intuitive empaths who are highly-sensitive) for yourselves as you begin the journey with your character in your story, I am offering a FREE Group Innerlight Session this Sunday at 2pm PST. It's my first Group Session, and Dr. Niki will be there as part of my training. Hooray!

Let me know if you're interested, and I'll send you an invitation. :)

Next Steps + Bestseller Quest Discounts

The Message Matrix + Momentum Program

This program includes a 7-day retreat to clarify, brand, and structure your message...and begin writing your first chapter[s] with my help; the pre-work to get you ready for our time together; and 1 post-retreat development session, where we will use what we learned about your unique approach to content development to strategize your way through the rest of it. Plus, it includes beautiful lodging and delicious food.

This is a partnership experience with only 3 messengers at a time and lots of individual support to create a solid, aligned, true-to-you foundation for your message and then get "it" done...whether that is a book, a talk, or a course. [There is also a 3-day option for people who just want the matrix.]

This program is for you if you KNOW that it's time, and that you have been stuck because you don't see how your story, your message, and your expertise are asking to be woven together for maximum impact on your audience, your brand, and your bottom line.

For my upcoming bestseller quest,
I'm offering a $2,000 discount to this program!

CLICK HERE for more details on the Message Matrix + Momentum Program. 
CLICK HERE for more details on the Bestseller Campaign.

Discount #2 
Dispel Book/Publishing Myths + Create Your Eyes-Wide-Open Plan

This 2-hour online workshop will help you wrap your head around "what comes after the book is done." We'll talk about the various ways you can publish the book [the companies that won't leave you hanging or nickel-and-dime you to death], what the investment really looks like, and what you can do now to avoid losing time, energy, and money along the way. We'll also discuss the truth about monetizing a message and begin dreaming and planning around the best ways for YOU to do that. 

Regularly = $299
For You = $149

Alchemize Your Story + Expertise to Engage + Empower

In this 2-hour online workshop, you will uncover the 2 roles you must own in order to make your content powerful; dive deeper into the clarity you must have before you get to work; learn how to structure your content to reach the hearts and minds of your readers/audiences AND ignite transformation IN and FOR them; and know exactly what will make your message powerful, memorable, and profitable. 

Regularly = $499
For You = $249

If you would like both workshops, 
I can bundle them for only $297. 

Discount #3
Break Through Your Story Ceiling

If you know that your story is going to bring some stuff up, and that your Character is already showing you some places where you still have a storyline that is keeping you from living the story you know you are here to enjoy, I want to invite you to the "Break Through Your Story Ceiling" online workshop. I'll be sharing the Story-Shifting Framework in detail and facilitating some very powerful exercises that will help you as you move through this journey.

Regularly = $49
For You = $29

Not sure...?

I know this can feel overwhelming, and I am here to answer your individual questions and help you determine which is your best next step. 

Like I said, there is no one-size-fits-all approach here, and I want to make sure you get exactly what you need...and nothing more or less.

CLICK HERE to take advantage of the Bonus Clarity Session
and to figure out your best next step

Thank you so much for participating today. I really enjoyed getting to know each of you and your amazing messages.

Together, we can raise the vibration of the message at a time.

Can't wait to help you change your storyline from aspiring to powerful messenger,
Founder, True to Intention
Smart-Mouthed Seeke
| Unapologetic Story Junkie | Mindfully Messy Messenger 
Mom | Wife | Friend | Witness to Divine Intention through Story

True to Intention, 8152 SW Hall Blvd #221, Beaverton, Oregon 97008, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.