Subject: [Time-Sensitive Opportunities] Beliefs, Books, and Buckling Down

Last week, I was blessed to spend a few days with Ursula Mentjes -- my favorite coach, long-time client, and true sista friend. 

The day of her Quantum Sales Summit, between moments of speaking to her audience about superpowers and the stories that keep us from activating them, I watched her work magic. Helping people bust their limiting beliefs around their goals, sales, and money is definitely one of her superpowers!

Smiling as I felt the shifts in the room, my attention turned to the two clients sitting next to me -- and the common beliefs/stories that hold aspiring authors back:
"There are already tons of books on the topic,
and I don't have anything special to add to the conversation."

"I need another degree or certification first. I don't know enough,
or have enough credibility, to do what I feel called to do."

"It takes months/years to write a good book."

"I'm just not a good writer."

And the one I've heard from dozens of people in the last few weeks…

"I don't want to tell the hard part of my story
because I don't want to get stuck in the old energy."

Butwhat if none of those beliefs are true?

WHAT IF you have a unique approach to the
that you cannot even see yet? 

WHAT IF your story IS the differentiating factor? 

 your voice/story are tuned to a frequency that
your particular audience needs to really wrap their heads and hearts
around the timeless wisdom you're sharing?

WHAT IF you have the equivalent of a PhD on the topic
because of what you've experienced/overcome?

WHAT IF degrees and certifications are losing their value
because of the current state of the university system anyways?

WHAT IF your experiences are more powerful than your information?

WHAT IF you could write the book in…
90 days like Torey? …30 days like Abby? …or 14 days like me?

WHAT IF you could write it quickly and powerfully,
without sacrificing quality or power?

WHAT IF you could be in an experience where 100% of your devotion
to your message + 100% of a coach's expertise + 100% of peers' support
= time standing still while you write a chapter or more a day?

WHAT IF you didn't have to worry about writing well because
you have someone in your corner who quickly transforms
your crappy first drafts into breathtaking experiences?

WHAT IF it doesn't take that long to acquire badass storytelling
skills that keep the reader hooked until the last page?

WHAT IF you're actually an amazing writer, but don't know it yet
because you've been trying to "sound" like someone else?

And maybe most importantly

WHAT IF going back through your story IS the way 
to finally heal the story and release the pain and heavy
 energy your character still carries? 

WHAT IF intentional witnessing, as the character and narrator 
of your old story, will allow you to finally become the co-author 
and leave all concern about "being yanked back" behind forever? 

WHAT IF, by writing the story, you could fall in love with it and easily stand on top of it as you continue to share it from pages and stages?

WHAT IF all you need to do is buckle down and
take the first step to bust the first belief?

This may all seem like pie-in-the-sky thinking to you, but I have growing evidence that those beliefs aren't true…and that all of the "what if's" are not only possible, but inevitable when people say YES to taking the first step.

What is the first step, you ask?

Join me and fellow messengers at the 
7-Day Message Matrix Retreat
that I facilitate in Portland, OR.

This is a LIVE event where I dive deep with you
and a few other messengers to: 

clarify your core message
determine your target audience

brand your message to make it memorable

Identify the right stories to share

organize the content-stories and expertise-to make it a sacred,
life-changing experience for audiences and readers alike

develop your first piece(s) of content with immediate
expert feedback and community support

eat, work, play, and move your projects forward quickly with new allies

By the end of the retreat, you will have: 

a powerful Message Matrix-the foundation of your book
(overall + chapter outlines), your signature talk,
your curriculum (if you choose to coach/facilitate),
and your revenue model

at least one REALLY good chapter to use as a model moving forward

badass storytelling and writing skills 

a new belief about how quickly and easily you can
develop the rest of the content

allies who will amp your inspiration and velocity until the project is done

The program will not be over until we've refined it into a model chapter. 
(Truth be told, the majority of participants walk away
with A LOT more content completed.) 

Beautiful accommodations in Portland, OR, and delicious food are included. The only additional investment is whatever it takes for you to get here.

This retreat is for you if you know that this is your year to publish a book, craft a signature talk, or develop some courses for your clients...but you don't know where to start, or you start and get stuck repeatedly.

If you feel like 7 days is too much, there is a 3-day option -- where we will develop your Message Matrix, and then we can talk about next steps once you can see the message clearly on paper. 

The 7-day option is $7,500. 
For a limited time, you could pay ONLY $5,500 
by supporting my Bestseller Quest.

The 3-day option is $5,000.
For a limited time, you could pay ONLY $4,000 
by supporting my Bestseller Quest.

If you and I have already discussed
another version of this Matrix program, with more included,
you know that these prices have gone up

But I will still honor the deal I offered you
through February 15th.

Oh, waitis that another limiting belief?

"I can't afford this program." 
"I don't have that money right now." 
"I'll never make this happen."

And to those, I say

What if the resources haven't shown up because
you haven't made a commitment? 

What if there are multiple retreats this year
AND easy payment plans available? 
[There are!]

Let's buckle down, bust some beliefs, and get that project done.

Come on…what are you waiting for? 
What's the belief/story that's stopping you?

Either dig up that agreement I've already sent you and snag your seat, or CLICK HERE to book some time with me and discuss the dates and details.

If the retreat is a hard "NOT AT THIS TIME" but you need something
to get your message juices moving, you could start with these 
3 ONLINE WORKSHOPS that will help you to begin
working through the first few layers of clarity with a
group of messengers who are dipping their toes into the possibility as well.

I won't stop 'til you ask me to.

Last week, Ursula was asking me about my follow-up process, and I got really, really squirmy.

I told her that I absolutely never want people to feel like I am pushing, nagging, bothering, or dragging them into an experience -- especially because this work is sacred and always divinely-timed.

She looked straight at me, with that all-knowing eyebrow, and said, "Amanda, we do them a disservice when we don't keep following up and inviting..."

And the next day at the Quantum Sales Summit, one of those clients gave me a hug and said, "Amanda, I am a different person because of what I experienced while writing my story with you last year. I will never be the same. Thank you."

I wiped a tear away and made a new commitment...

I won't stop 'til you ask me to. :)

I will keep inviting, nudging, and sharing with you until you are ready... or until you let me know that you would like me to stop emailing and calling....

Because I know that what happened for this client is what happens for all of my clients, even the ones that aren't sharing really tough stories. [You cannot leave a creative process like distilling your story and expertise into a book the same person that you were when entered it -- not if you care about making it good.] 

And if you're in my space, it's likely that it wants to happen for you too.

The Message Matrix Retreat is a 3-day or 7-day experience of clarifying, branding, strategizing, AND getting into the content development. If you're ready to get serious about your message and getting it onto stages and pages, this is the program for you. 

Only 10 more spots available this year!

In September, I was offered an online TV show to share my message…which launches Monday, January 29th at 12pm PST / 2pm CST. :)

CLICK HERE to watch the amazing Intro created by Lionheart Creations, Suit Yourself Productions, and my sweet son and hubby!
So, basically, here’s how
The Bestseller Quest

- I write a book about the down-and-dirty, magical and messy quest of becoming a mindful messenger.

- I ask for your support in getting the message out to those who need it. I bet you can think of at least 5 people right now who have been saying they want to write a book, or become a speaker, or start a coaching business…but they’re stuck, frustrated, and disappointed in their lack of progress.

- In exchange for your support, I GIVE YOU AMAZING DISCOUNTS + BONUSES to the all of the programs above....worth double, triple, and sometimes quadruple what you agree to pay in book purchases.

- We journey together and develop our wings for the next flight!
Founder, True to Intention
Smart-Mouthed Seeke
| Unapologetic Story Junkie | Mindfully Messy Messenger 
Mom | Wife | Friend | Witness to Divine Intention through Story

True to Intention, 8152 SW Hall Blvd #221, Beaverton, Oregon 97008, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.