Subject: Your invitation to our workshop! Find more time AND more energy

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We’re excited to launch an upcoming Workshop Road Trip in Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle!
At My 15 Minutes, we love that lots of our work is online or communicated through our written words. We rarely use the acronym ‘IRL’ because, to us, online connection IS real life! It can be lasting and deep and just as supportive and fun as interaction in person.

That said, we do LOVE the buzz in a training room when we get together to hold our live workshops. After years of attending training sessions ourselves, we wanted to create something unique, FUN (no death by PowerPoint here), and something that will really challenge the way you think. Something likely to change your actions (and of course your results) long after the workshop is over.

The I Don’t Have Time workshop will give you answers to questions like:
“Is this all there is? I thought I’d have life worked out by now, but all I can see are seasons passing and years speeding up and I’m kind of lurching from one thing to the next, with no clear idea of what I really want to do with my life at all! Am I the only one thinking I should be further ahead by now? Is it too late?”

“What spare time? Have you seen my calendar? Maybe there’ll be time to set some personal goals in 2020…”

“Okay, I’ve found the time … but my energy is AWOL and I’m squandering it on the couch, bingeing on Netflix and wishing the clean washing would fold itself so I could stretch my legs out properly. How do people do it? Where do they get their energy from!”

The answers to these questions will be delivered with our trademark ‘we-totally-get-it’ frankness. Our next book, tentatively titled 'I Can’t Be Bothered', is all about revitalising your mood. It’s about finding the energy and motivation to really chase the life you want, and helps you identify why you’re tired (beyond the obvious OTT workloads most of us are carrying).

Come away from the workshop with a notebook jam-packed with solutions and strategies to change the way you think, the way you organise your time, and the way you divest your energy. It’s about shuffling things around (thoughts and actions, commitments and goals) so you can finally flick the switch you’ve been searching for in the dark.

It’s about running towards what you want — not treading water, or running away from what you don’t want. It’s about finding the light in your life, then turning that light up, in every aspect.

Here’s what other people have said about our live sessions:
My favourite bit was hearing everyone's gremlins - I nearly cried and was shaking. Huge relief!

Open, good fun, emotionally challenging (in a good way).

Fantastic speakers with very resonating content. I took a lot away from this session.

Very engaging and great tips. Relevant, practical advice.

Wonderful opportunity for self-reflection.

It was uplifting and spot on!

Thanks for an awesome session! My colleague and I [who attended] are at work at the moment and have been discussing it. We both got lots out of it!

Loved it!
Put simply, the I Don’t Have Time workshop is perfect for you if:
  • You don’t want the whole world — you just want to feel more inspired and organised about your part of it

  • You know you’re doing too much, or too many of the wrong things, but you don’t quite know how to untangle yourself

  • You’d feel a LOT better about everything if you had proof that lots of other women are plagued by exactly the same thoughts as you, and they’re all just as keen for a fresh start, too

  • You’re intrigued to find out about the workshop content that’s so universally ‘real’ it’s reduced experienced military commanders to tears in front of rooms full of their staff

  • You suspect you could be way more content, if you could only kick the habits, beliefs and choices that slow you down

  • You’re a little bit lost, and just want someone to shine the way forward for your next steps
We’d really love to spend time with you at our workshop, and hope you’ll move some mountains to be there.

All the very best

Audrey & Emma x

P.S. If you’ve skimmed right to the bottom and just want the link, here it is!

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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