Subject: [Workshop Resources] Thank you for joining us! ❤

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Hi Friend

It was wonderful to have you in the room at our Gremlins Workshop yesterday! Thank you for coming and for participating in what we hope was a valuable and enjoyable session for you.
Extra resources
We’ve included some resources to help embed some of what we spoke about. There’s a downloadable copy of our Momentum Map here, to assist in carving out precious time during the week for the things that matter most. We’ve also attached a summary of each Gremlin along with seven 15-minute tasks designed to shake up and shift some of these mindset blocks. Early next week we'll also send you the mindset mantras you developed together in your groups.
Goal-setting tool
If you follow this link, you’ll find a post-workshop template to fill in. This includes a few questions that will be helpful for us in planning future workshops, but the questionnaire is mainly focused on ways that you can take what you’ve learnt and apply it in a practical way in your life. There is an opportunity for you to make some commitments to yourself for things you wish to change in the future, and to express this so that we can help to hold you accountable. If you wish, we can check in with you again monthly, over the next 90 days, to remind you of your goals and intentions and help you measure your progress.
Special invitation to join the My 15 Minutes Program
If you would like to take advantage of the special workshop offer on our 90-day program, please click this link. The program will be available for $100+GST until Sunday night, and you can begin the program on Monday morning (or any other Monday that you choose).

Again, thank you so much for coming along — it was really great to see you there, and please let us know if there’s anything we can help you with from here.

Take care

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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