Subject: When change (and challenge) gets under your skin ...

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Finding even more gold on the second look ...
Over the years, we’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars into our professional development. Because of the line of work that we’re in, much of this has transferred into personal development, too. We’ve been on the receiving end of some training experiences that have been life-changing ‘hits’, and others where we’ve felt we didn’t learn a lot that we didn’t already know. But even in sessions like that, we found inspiration.

Sometimes it’s just one tiny point in a training session that sinks in, marinates and then explodes into an idea that goes on to cause deep transformation and change. It’s why we never assume ‘we know this stuff’ when we attend something. It’s also why we’ll often go back and read through resources or listen to podcasts or webinars more than once. The learning can be different, second or third time around.

We had a two-hour business coaching session yesterday that really burrowed in under our skin. Our coach helped us identify where we’ve been stuck and inspired the most exciting idea we’ve had together in years. It was exactly what we needed to hear, exactly when we needed to hear it.

Today feels very different because of this one thing. We’re feeling far more in alignment now, for the direction we’ll head soon, and for the next couple of years, as we aim to help inspire the most significant and meaningful transformations in other people’s lives, and in our own.

We’re doing some preparation for our next steps now, and we’ll share a little bit more about it during our upcoming workshops. Even in the few weeks since we last presented similar sessions in South Australia, we’ve made massive developments to the material we’re presenting.

The secret of real momentum is making minor adjustments, every day, as we move through our lives. It’s noticing keenly what does and doesn’t work, and being flexible and responsive to our environments and pressures. It’s about learning how to duck and weave through the inevitable obstacles we’ll all face, and having the courage to clamber up again after we fall.

Tickets to our workshops are available here. We’d love to see you there.

Have a lovely weekend!

Emma & Audrey x

PS Only one week to go until we hit the road for our I Don't Have Time workshops so you'd better grab your ticket now! We'd so love to catch up for a chat at our after-party x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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