Subject: What happened after Friday’s workshop ...

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Update from Friday’s workshop, from Audrey:
During drinks afterwards, a group of us made the impromptu decision to create a Sunday morning running group. I might have once been a race walker, but running is an entirely different (and foreign) matter, and the idea of leaping out of bed for a 7am start on Sunday seemed almost as ludicrous as Emma’s friends initially saw her airport fan-girling over the American YouTuber.

But leap out of bed we did. Or at least speaking for myself, I crawled out of bed and we met, and RAN, and felt better for it afterwards.

This ‘follow through’ on new things is so important. We know it’s a good idea to exercise and make new friends, but it’s easier sometimes to make excuses instead. Emma’s running group has been meeting every week for nearly three years and has transformed into so much more than that. Those women were amongst the first she told about Jeff, and were on the doorstop with lasagnes and shoulders to cry on almost immediately.

Here’s a photo we took before the run. Thankfully we didn't take one afterwards! I've also added my own completed 90-Day Commitment. We've attached a soft-copy of the template too if you feel inspired to create your own.
The purpose of my message is two-fold:

Anyone who’d like to join us on Sunday is most welcome! Just hit ‘reply’ to this email and I can let you know the arrangements.

A reminder that our special price for the My 15 Minutes 90 Day Transformational Program ends tonight. You can start any Monday, pause if you’re going to be away, and find out more here.

Have a wonderful week!
Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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