Subject: We all have that mortifying moment…

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Have you ever been so over-committed the wheels have fallen off? I think we all have stories like that. Here’s one of Emma’s:

I’d dropped my daughter at her first day of pre-school and she’d been barnacled to my ankle, crying “Don’t go, Mummy!” Eventually the teachers prised her off me and I made my tearful escape, driving to work at the Defence department, blinded by tears.

Running late, I ripped the bumper bar off my car reversing after running over the metal chain barricading the car park. My colleagues rose to the challenge and grabbed a big role of packing tape from the compactus and proceeded to stick my car back together with it, while I phoned the school for a progress report, and munched absent-mindedly on a salad.

A Lieutenant Colonel began pacing backwards and forwards in front of my desk. Eventually he stopped, looked at me and said, in a somewhat embarrassed tone, “Are you sure that’s your lunch?”

It’s hard to know how to respond when an Army Officer accuses you, quite rightly of eating his lunch. What’s the etiquette? Do you hand the salad back, significantly depleted? Or offer him your (far inferior) salad? I’d had such a chaotic morning it occurred to me that I’d only packed some lettuce leaves and half a tomato. That’s when I glanced down and realised the salad I’d half-eaten had pistachio nuts and a lemon-lime dressing…
Can You Relate?
When you’re so frantic and flat out you’re running over things and can’t recognise your own Tupperware, it’s time to change something. But where do you start when you’re already so thinly stretched?


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'Til next time
Audrey & Emma
Co-founders, My 15 Minutes

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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