Subject: Want a free copy of our new book? Open up and find out how.

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Hi Friend

Our new book, I don’t have time! 15 Minute Ways to Shape a Life You Love is being launched in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the US in February, AND the fun news is we’ve negotiated with our publisher to give a limited number of copies away for free right NOW.

After the many months it took for us to write and edit this book (a period during which, as you know, life dealt us a few terribly hard blows), we’re now really eager to hear what you think. We’d love to have your feedback on the book by sending you a special advance copy of the entire book in digital form.

What we’re proposing is to invite the people who have been our closest supporters — firstly you, our program members, and then our personal friends and families — to join a special 'Book Launch Team’ of enthusiastic volunteers who will help us spread the word in the coming weeks.

If you decide to join our Book Launch Team you'll receive:
  • A pre-launch copy of the whole book in digital form
  • Exclusive access to us and to other team members in a private Facebook group, where we’ll share our ‘behind the scenes’ publishing story (the good, the bad and the awkward!)
  • A 30-60 minute Ask Us Anything webinar prior to the launch of the book — an opportunity for members to discuss anything in the book, ask about promoting, ideas for sharing and more
  • A complimentary signed (print) copy of I Don’t Have Time if you purchase a full-price copy of the book from us in launch week
  • A personal invitation to our Canberra or Adelaide book launch parties
All we’re asking in return is that you will:
  • Write a brief (and honest) review about the book on (and other review sites) on launch day (1 February)
  • Share your favourite quotes, ideas and concepts from the book in the private Facebook group, so we can use these as ‘testimonials’ from readers
  • Help spread the word about the book by sharing details with your friends on social media (and in your blogs or newsletters if you have those)
  • Share ideas and brainstorm additional ways that we might further expose the message to an even greater audience
From the early response that we’ve already received to this idea, we’re expecting quite a lot of interest. Obviously, our publisher would be a bit freaked out if we just gave copies away to EVERYONE, so we’ve had to limit this opportunity.

We’ve created a brief application form (which sounds more fancy than it really is) to help us ensure that we’re on the 'same page’, so to speak, about what we hope you’ll find a mutually enjoyable collaboration as part of our launch team.
Here’s some early feedback on the book from readers:
‘This book spoke to me from the very first page. Finally, a time management book for real people by real people. It was interesting and engaging with stories and anecdotes that made me laugh, cry and nod my head in agreement. If you only read one self-help book this year, make it this one.’
Alison Abernethy

‘This book has it all — laughs and tears, advice and support and, most of all, the encouragement most of us need to just get started! Learning how to make the most of the smallest chunks of time has made a huge difference in what I achieve. Thanks for the inspiration!’
Alison Bailey

‘The storytelling style of this book made it unique in the genre for me. There are few traditional time-management books that provoke regular tears and “ah ha” moments the way this one did! Thoroughly recommended.’
Sarah Turner

‘Loved this book! A page turner from start to finish with Audrey and Emma’s engaging style of writing conveying their relatable stories.’
Michele Farrell

Thanks in advance for your interest, feedback and - later on, a little help with our word-of-mouth sharing. After such an awful year in some ways here it is lovely to be able to send you some good news again.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Emma and Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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