Subject: The end of the road for My 15 Minutes?

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On the Monday that we had a publisher’s deadline to return the authors’ feedback to the editor of our upcoming book, we’d joked on Facebook about spending the entire week in our pyjamas. No plans. No excuses. Just 100% focus on the work at hand.

A friend asked how we were intending to deal with life’s inevitable curve balls in our PJs, and we laughed. We couldn’t have known that, within 24 hours, one of us would be plunged into the depths of unimaginable and unexpected grief, with the loss of Emma’s much-adored husband.

Only a couple of weeks later, Audrey found herself on a plane with her husband bound for Wales, to be with her mother-in-law in her dying days. As a 'team' and as friends, we’d been dealt a second tragedy within days of each other.
Taking stock ...
In the eight weeks that have followed, we’ve done a lot of soul-searching. We’ve been firmly in self-care and family-care modes, and we’ve stood back and looked at the shape our lives were in, and the shape we want them to be in the future. 

The conclusion we’ve drawn, which you’ll read about in the Epilogue we found it necessary to write for our book, is that these experiences have brought us even closer to the purpose we originally carved through My 15 Minutes. If making the most of our time meant a lot to us before, it means much more now. If focusing on the things that truly matter to each of us used to be in focus, it’s now shining with breathtaking clarity.

We've stood back and asked each other if we want to continue with My 15 Minutes, because we do have a choice. We’re not ‘locked in’ to any path. Life is far too short for self-imposed, artificial constraints.

Our answer was mutually a resounding YES. If we can help to influence one person, or many people, to make small changes in their lives that will improve their health or relationships or lead them to find more meaning in their work and the other ways they spend their time, then we’ll be leaving a legacy that truly counts. 

So, what’s next for us?
Live event in Adelaide

After the success of our Canberra event in July, we’ll be offering our workshop, 'The 7 Mindset Gremlins that Mess With Us Most' in Adelaide, on 21 OctoberYou can join the waiting list for further information here.
Our book

'I don’t have time! 15-minute ways to shape a life you love' will be released by Exisle Publishing in February. We’ve packed it with our most vulnerable and open stories, along with practical suggestions, and we’re excited to report that our early readers have said they couldn’t put it down.
New interview coming soon ...

We’re going to add an interview to our '15 Minutes That Changed My Life' series and make it available to everyone. This one’s personal. Audrey will interview Emma about what’s happened and how, even from the earliest days, in the darkness and shock of grief, there was some light …
Keep an eye on your inbox for more information soon.

All the best

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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