Subject: Some news and happenings ...

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We were in Melbourne for a weekend recently where we’re thrilled to say our book won the Writing Excellence Award at a conference for women in business run by Alli Price. We were nominated in this award by a ‘mystery reader’ (if that is you, thank you so much for believing in us). It meant a great deal to us to be able to win this award in the city where we first met in 2009 at a training event.
Melbourne holds several important memories for us, in fact. We knew the day we met that we’d one day want to work together on ‘something’ (with no idea how it would all unfold!) Four years later, we grasped the idea of ‘My 15 Minutes’ with two hands, and we’ve never looked back.

Melbourne is also the place where we stayed in the initial planning stages for I Don’t Have Time. It’s the place where ‘comparisonitis’ kicked in during a trip to Dymocks on Bourke Street, where we freaked out a bit at the site of all the published ‘competitors’ for our little book. At at point it wasn’t a book at all, but a hotel room wall full of ideas on Post-it Notes. We really didn’t know if we’d ever get there, yet we did, and now we’re in the midst of planning for a sequel.
It’s interesting to measure your progress in any project and returning to a place that is meaningful can remind you of how far you’ve come. There’s something reassuring and inspiring about being able to say, ‘Remember last time we were here, and such-and-such an idea/relationship/journey was in its infancy …’

Every so often, particularly when there’s a lot going on at work and in families, it’s important to step out of ‘real life’ and reflect on what you’re doing well. An awards ceremony is a nice way to do that, but we don’t need external validation necessarily. Taking stock of something you’ve learnt, or something you’re doing well or something you’re overcoming (part of the way through) can be exactly the motivation you need to keep going.

Have you read our ‘award winning book’ yet? Here’s a link to more about it!
Have a wonderful week!

Emma & Audrey x

Book now for The Busy Women’s High Tea!
Sunday 25th June 11.30am to 2pm

We're thrilled to be asked to deliver the keynote presentation at this fundraiser, this coming weekend.

Round up a few friends and make a day of it. Join us for an delightful afternoon at the Stamford Plaza Adelaide, where we will be enjoying the Traditional Stamford High Tea, complete with a complimentary glass of sparkling on arrival!

We are both looking forward to delivering a power-packed talk, based on our award-winning book, I Don't Have Time. The event will be hosted by Celebrity Chef, Dorinda Hafner, and Mayor of Salisbury, Gillian Aldridge will also inspire us with anecdotes of her personal journey.

Proceeds from this event will go to Australind Childrens Fund and support the great work they do.

>> Tickets are selling fast, so head over here to reserve your tickets now >>

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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