Subject: Our favourite new productivity hack plus BRING A FRIEND - offer ends midnight

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We love a new approach!
We’re experimenting with a new productivity hack this week, gleaned from an interesting online masterclass we heard from Demir Bentley! 

After our team meeting this morning, we worked out that we have four clear hours remaining today in which to work in a fully-focused way.

So we’ve each taken four Post-it notes, each square representing one period of 50 minutes, and we’ve written a realistic and manageable number of key tasks on each one, beginning with those of highest importance, value or ‘bang for buck’.

We’ve set timers on our phones for 50 minutes, and turned off all other distractions (which in Emma’s case is social media, and in Audrey’s is the tendency to flit between tasks before completion).

At the end of the 50 minutes, we have ten minutes of down time scheduled to check Facebook or go for a walk around the block or whatever else, before the next focussed block begins.

The beauty of this approach is that in front of you at any one time is a small, manageable ‘to do’ list of things that you know can be accomplished within 50 minutes. There isn’t an epic, disordered and overwhelming list of everything you need to do. Just these few things, in this order. (TIP: If experimenting with this at work, try doing it with the whole team on board to support each other with fewer distractions.)

We love experimenting with techniques like this together. It’s more fun, and so much easier when your colleague or partner ‘gets it’ and conspires in your success!

It’s why people love bringing a friend to our workshops. It means they have someone to discuss the content with afterwards, and someone who helps keep them focussed and motivated for the changes they want to implement as a result of the session.

To that end, our special ‘BRING A FRIEND’ offer ends at midnight tonight!

Reserve your ticket and you can bring a friend for only $147. That's a saving between you of $100! (More than enough to splash out for a fancy dinner together afterwards and have a good de-brief!)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Emma & Audrey x

PS You need to use this special link to take advantage of this limited offer, closing on Friday night. 

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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