Subject: Not enough time at work?

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Not enough time at work? Try our new productivity training! Buy today, train in the new FY!
A 3-hour session by Emma Grey and Audrey Thomas – co-authors of award-winning book I Don't Have Time: 15-minute ways to shape a life you love, (Exisle, 2017), and founders of My 15 Minutes.
  • You’re chasing your tail at work
  • There is an ever-growing work pile and a fear that things are falling through the cracks
  • Little jobs trump the big ones and you’re not tackling your most important project

I Don’t Have Time @ Work is a wholistic training program that provides you and your team with a simple approach to improve your working life 15 minutes at a time. You will advance your sense of organisation and lower your stress, but the real gold in the program is the mindset shift. Once you’ve experienced for yourself the power of 15 minute blocks, you find yourself powering through tasks in microbursts throughout the day.

Attend the three-hour workshop, dive deeper through our book and follow up the training with our unique, practical online program over the next 15 days. We know it’s easy to be inspired during a workshop only to lose focus on your learnings back at your desk. I Don’t Have Time @ Work is designed to help you implement what you’ve learnt, in a way that is entirely manageable — 15 minutes at a time. Imagine diving in, at your desk, and getting stuck into improvements to your process and mindset that you can tick off your to-do list while your first coffee of the day is brewing …

Have a wonderful weekend!

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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