Subject: Is it time to smell the roses?

Have you already written off the rest of this year? Or are you inspired to finish the year on a high note?
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A personal note from Audrey
After school drop-off one day last week I was heading home with my mind racing about the 'stuff' I had to do that day (let alone the rest of the week)...delivering work against a tight deadline, emails, client follow up calls, new website materials, preparing for a client VIP Day etc.

When I drove up in front of our home I took a few moments to look at the three ole faithful rose bushes, which have lined the path to our front door since we moved here nine years ago.

They really needed some attention! They were an riot of out of control stems and branches, deadheads, brown leaves and thorns, ignored over the last few weeks as other priorities pushed their care down the 'to do' list.

After a brief tussle in my head which went something like this...

"Really? You're going to do some gardening right NOW? Do you know how much you have to do today?"

" can all wait...this is what I need to do first up, so just get on with it!"

I grabbed a bucket and the secateurs (which is impressive in itself as the garden is normally Daf's domain) and got stuck into some tidying. In keeping with my commitment to a My 15 Minutes approach to getting things done...I gave myself 15 minutes to see what I could achieve. So little much hidden beauty!
There were loads of new buds and gorgeous red leaves hiding amidst the sprawling suckers and dead flowers. And it struck me that I have walked past these plants countless times in recent weeks and never given them any real attention. Too busy to stop and smell the roses (literally!)...who am I kidding? We all have time to acknowledge the simple gifts in life and let go of the busyness we impose on ourselves.

Today, just take time to smell the roses, enjoy those little things about your life, your family, spouse, friends, job. Forget about the thorns -the pains and problems they cause you - and enjoy life”

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Feeling stuck and need some help?
In the spirit of growth and regeneration, I'm so pleased to share with you details of a new home for my full and half-day coaching experiences. If you're feeling like it's your time - and you're ready to take the next step - head over to see all of the details for my VIP Breakthrough Experiences.

I can tailor a VIP Experience entirely for you and they are a great way of us working together intensively to get you on (or put you back on) the right track. I absolutely love VIP days as we can cover a lot of ground and you can make some really big shifts over the course of a day (or even half-day).
I can tailor a VIP Experience entirely for you and they are a great way of us working together intensively to get you on (or put you back on) the right track. I absolutely love VIP days as we can cover a lot of ground and you can make some really big shifts over the course of a day (or even half-day).

I've put together special Spring offer until the 30th November, so now is the time to lock in your VIP Experience (and you only need to pay a deposit of $97 to secure your spot).

Click here to find out all about it and see whether this is for you. Please drop me a line or call if you'd like to see if this is a good match for you.

Wishing you many beautiful moments this week!

Audrey x
Stay In Touch:
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+61 (0) 422 242 790
"I haven't lived a perfect life. I have regrets. But that's from a lifetime of taking chances, making decisions, and trying not to be frozen. The only thing that I can do with my regrets is understand them.

Kevin Costner
My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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