Subject: [IDHT] Wow - What a Response! ❤

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Dear I Don’t Have Time BLT-ers,

What can we say other than THANK YOU for your wonderful feedback on the book so far. It’s always such a daunting thing releasing a book, and quite nerve-wracking. Your early comments have really given us confidence that we’re on the right track with this book.

Here’s how you can help us now
If you head over to the book page on Facebook here, you will find an album of photos with some ‘testimonial’ comments from early readers like you (here's a few examples below). We would really love it if you could choose one that resonates and share the photo, along with your personal recommendation to your friends to purchase the book. They’ll need the link to the website too, which is

The book releases officially on 1 February in stores, so the next week or so is really the only opportunity we’ll ever have to sell copies ourselves without competition. It would be so helpful if you could help us declutter our garages of book boxes by encouraging your friends to buy the book. :-)

Here’s how you can help in February
Once the book is officially released, you’ll be able to post reviews on Amazon and other sites. Look out for an email from us with all the details of where to go and how to do that.

Again - our deepest gratitude for being in our Book Launch Team. Your help is invaluable and we are very grateful to you all.

Emma and Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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