Subject: I Don't Have Time Workshops - Early Bird ENDS TODAY

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Save $50 - Early Bird Tickets End Tonight
We both gave presentations in our respective parts of the world yesterday (Canberra and Adelaide) and we were on the phone catching up afterwards, co-identifying about how public speaking creates a curious mix of exhilaration and exhaustion.


Presenting in front of people gives us a real buzz and it's something we both adore (even when we're terrified!).

It’s exhausting because we pour so much of ourselves into presenting our work, live. It’s not just the physical aspects of preparing resources and managing a training room, ensuring everyone is included and keeping the energy flowing. It’s the emotional side.

If you’ve read our book, heard one of our webinars or been to one of our live sessions before, you’d know that we don’t hold back.

We’re pretty much ‘all in’. Nothing is off limits in terms of sharing the deep and raw stuff in our lives, if it’s going to help the people who have given up some of their precious time to be in the room with us.

It’s through our personal stories that we’re able to make the biggest impact.

And that takes courage. It takes vulnerability. We know this, because of how much it takes out of us in the process!

It’s something we really love to do, because anything less than giving 100% of ourselves in our workshops feels wishy-washy and unhelpful. It’s worth the resultant evening of lounging in front of Netflix afterwards, wondering if we’re coming down with something because we’re so thoroughly worn out.

We’d love to show you what we mean at one of our upcoming face-to-face workshops in Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle.

The Early Bird rate ends TODAY, so it’s a great time to pick up your ticket!
All the very best

Emma & Audrey x

PS Get your ticket today and save $50

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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