Subject: 'I Don't Have Time!' ... Have you said this yet in 2017?

"Just magic!"
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A personal note from Audrey
So, it's been a while!

2016 brought with it many changes, challenges, heartbreaks and highlights, and I know some of you have experienced these to their full extent in the past 12 months. I remember at the beginning of last year declaring that "this will be a brilliant year" - I felt it with absolute conviction, and in many ways it was. Sadly, the brilliance was mixed in with loss and grief, and we lost some beautiful family and friends as the months ticked over to December. While grieving takes time and takes its toll, I am reminded constantly of those affected most still living whole-heartedly in its midst.

As an eternal optimist (bordering on 'Pollyanna' positive), I'm taking on 2017 with a renewed energy, spirit and full heart. To use the words of my wonderful friend and business partner, Emma, we're 'turning up the light' this year. In the face of her own tragedy, losing her husband suddenly and unexpectedly in July, she's continuing to inspire the people around her every day - myself included - and I'm blessed to call her my friend and co-collaborator.
We wrote a book ...
The project of which I'm most proud in recent times was writing the book that Emma and I co-authored, I Don't Have Time - 15-minute ways to shape a life you love.

Having written it in the first half of last year, we questioned whether the messages it delivers were still relevant, book-worthy and resonating with us both, given the situation Emma was now facing. And thankfully, we realised that it made the stories and messages we share in the book even more impactful.

The book is going to be released in bookstores and available through all the big online retailers in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, US and Canada (in February). The great news is that we have special author copies available to be signed and sent to you right now.

If you'd like to check it out or buy yourself (or someone else) a copy then ...

Wishing you many beautiful moments this weekend!

Audrey x
So very readable, so down to earth. I'll be recommending this book to everyone.
Melinda Acton

I've just started reading, and already I'm BLOWN AWAY!
Nina Campbell

This is a wonderfully sculpted delve into those idiosyncrasies we *all* seem to think are acceptable. Even expected. It’s fabulous!
Ree Murnane

I've just finished reading the book and didn't want it to be over. What an amazing book, Emma and Audrey you should be so incredibly proud of what you've written! I loved it so much I'm going to go back and read it again. I'll also be giving a copy to my mum and two best friends as soon as it's released. I can't wait to shout my praises about this book from the rooftops! I know it will be a HUGE success, thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to read it pre-release.
Jacinta Durr

This is a read that I will, without hesitation, recommend and gift to family and friends for years to come. Thank you both so much for making this book a reality. And keep the practical wisdom coming, please!
Anna Hutchins

After only a few pages in your book, I'm super engrossed! I feel in my heart this is an even more impactful game changer, my new "One Thing" ~ creating space for myself to breathe and receive. Self-compassion, gentleness, more laughter. I feel lighter already.
PJ Aguilar

If you read only one self-help book this year, make it this one.
Alison Abernethy
My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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