Subject: Can I help you get unstuck?

Want to make 2017 THE year you do all the things on your wish list? I can help you with that (for FREE!)
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A personal note from Audrey
Hello Friend

Just a quick note to say hi and to let you know that I'm still here, though it may not seem like I have been.

Metaphorically speaking, 2017 kicked-off with fireworks and has been a bit of a whirlwind party bus ride ever since. So much fun, too many late nights, loads of new experiences and the occasional sinking feeling of "Oh no, what have I done?".

And sticking with the analogy I started (sorry), it's fair to say that the party hat I've been wearing most of the time over the past few months has been a bright, sparkly one called I Don't Have Time!

Following the global launch in February of the book I co-authored with Emma Grey (my fab co-founder of My 15 Minutes), I've found myself feeling out of my depth and truly uncomfortable on a number of occasions. Radio interviews, a spot on national TV, book launches and in-store signings - all new to me. And mostly terrifying.

But that's OK. It's completely normal to feel fear, to experience self-doubt, to lose the plot and to question whether you're on the right path. We all do from time to time.

Thankfully I have people around who remind me that perfection is over-rated and overwhelm is expected when you're following your dreams. And particularly, that not knowing all the answers all of the time is how it is for most of us, most of the time.

How about you?

If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it, change your attitude

Maya Angelou

Feeling stuck and need some help?
I'd love to have a chat and see how I can help you move beyond what's keeping you stuck right now.
If you are feeling frustrated, trapped, stifled, unhappy or settling in any way in your life – and you want to turn that around, then I can help. So let’s have a conversation about that.

Click here to find out all about it and see whether this is for you. It's free and there'll be no pressure - I'd just like to help you get more clarity about your options.
Take care and have a lovely weekend!

Audrey x
Stay In Touch:
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+61 (0) 422 242 790
"When you make a choice,
you change the future.

Deepak Chopra
My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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