Subject: [Blog] Why Audrey was mortified!

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Our editor sent us a snippet of the index from our upcoming book, I Don’t Have Time! 15-minute Ways to Shape a Life You’ll Love. It tells you all you need to know about the type of book we’ve written, and Audrey is wrestling with her mortification about the opening entry. ;-)

Whenever we write or present, or post on Facebook or create content in our programs we aim to be honest about the way we engage with life. And that’s imperfectly. We find things hard. We fail. We make mistakes, and we think it’s empowering when more of us say so.

We’ve attended events where the presenters ‘have it all together’ (or pretend to), or talk about ‘kicking goals’ and maintaining a relentlessly positive mindset. Are they always like that, we often wonder? Behind closed doors, in the privacy of their own bedrooms or when they look themselves in the eyes in the bathroom mirror, are they truly as ‘gung ho’ as they seem on stage? Doesn’t their confidence ever waver?

Ours does. When something feels scary, it’s time for growth — and growth is good. So we do things afraid at first. Clumsily until we ‘get it’.

We reach beyond our grasp, from the imperfect context in which we’re living. Not ready. Not ‘good enough’. Not sure.

Sometimes it doesn’t work out.

But other times … that’s when the magic happens.

And what a risk we take, when we don’t reach for it.
All the best and have a wonderful weekend!

Audrey & Emma x

Live Workshop Adelaide

Our two-hour workshop will have you laughing, crying and - best of all - realising you are NOT the only one wondering why you’re not further ahead, more organised, more confident, fitter, happier, more satisfied in your relationships, in a stronger place financially, more patient, more relaxed, more ambitious … more of all the things you want the most.

Learn how to recognise what’s holding you back, and how to push past these gremlins to achieve the goals you set
  • Understand what it’s costing you to let them win, and where to draw the line
  • Embrace the power of small steps and get more things done
  • Feel empowered to move through tasks more quickly
  • Learn about an actionable, motivating and achievable way of creating goals and maintaining positive momentum
Join us on October 21st, 3-5pm, followed by an after party!

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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