Subject: [Blog & Singapore!] We LOVE serendipity! ♥

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Don’t you LOVE the unfolding of serendipitous coincidences?
Yesterday, while we were preparing for the launch of our upcoming Singapore workshops, Emma got chatting with a follower of her WorkLifeBliss page on Facebook, who’d sent a link to a YouTube video of her daughter’s school assignment on cyberbullying, in response to an earlier post.

The conversation went on, about creativity, passion projects and film and media, and in passing, this person mentioned that she lives in Singapore. Emma explained that we were coincidentally just about to share a link to our workshop in Singapore, and there was much mutual enthusiasm and a plan hatched to meet at the workshop and share the details of the event within the expat community there.

Concurrently, there was an unrelated conversation going on between Emma and a friend from running group in Canberra. She mentioned the cyberbulling/Singapore chat she was having with someone she didn’t know, and this friend said, ‘Do you happen to know such-and-such a person, who lives in Singapore?’

It was the VERY SAME PERSON. They are ex-neighbours from Canberra! AND, the person in Singapore turns out to have known of Emma’s husband, Jeff, from days at ADFA.

This Canberra friend had been searching for an opportunity to visit said friend in Singapore and, to cut a long story short, is now going to come with us and attend the workshop there, meet up with her friend and have a reunion.


We’re big believers that it is not enough to be exposed to serendipitous opportunities and moments. Nothing happens unless we take action.

When we put ourselves out there, without any intention at all, and make connections with other people, beautiful things can unfold.

The more times we say ‘YES’ and ‘WHY NOT?’, the higher the chance that things will ‘randomly’ fall into place. Not every time, and often not without hard work, but certainly the odds are far greater if we’re putting ideas out into the world.

We’re taking a gamble that our workshop will appeal to people in a country where we know four people (if you count this lovely new acquaintance, as of yesterday!) It’s all about the power of good intentions, connection and optimism. (And it’s a little bit the power of hoping you might share the link to our workshop with any Singapore friends of your own.)

Believe that the world is smaller than it seems, and it will be.

Audrey & Emma x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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