Subject: [Blog] If only ...

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What's stopping you?
One of our dear friends is in Paris as we write this. She’s never been away from her children for more than a night or two, since her eldest was born, eleven years ago. A few months ago, she saw an amazing travel deal come into her inbox, and said to her husband, on a whim, ‘I should go …'

‘You should go!’ he agreed, and an idea began to take shape. Could she really leave the family and go overseas for nearly three weeks - just her? She’d miss Mother’s Day. And numerous school events. And use up almost all her leave from work. It would be costly. They’d have to sacrifice other things … but wouldn’t it be incredible? READ MORE >>
Have a wonderful weekend!

Emma & Audrey x

Mother's Day gifts all sorted?
If you're looking for a last-minute idea, then how about gift certificate which you can print out and give to someone special on the day?

We'll then send a copy of our book, I Don't Have Time: 15-minutes ways to shape a life you love for your loved one to receive very soon.

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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