Subject: [Blog & Event] We're coming to Melbourne!

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Win the My 15 Minutes Life Program!
My 15 Minutes is delighted to be featured in a brand new magazine for parents of tween and teens, Avery, which is available here.

We've teamed up with Avery to offer their readers a chance to win one of two My 15 Minutes 90-day Life programs. Head over here for details (after you've read the article, of course!).
A better life in just 15 minutes a day
It makes sense that the more you have to do, the more important it is to take care of yourself. In the ‘real world’ however, it seems the more we take on, the faster ‘self care’ slips down the priority scale, until it falls clean off the list.

When we’re busy with the day-to-day management of career, family and household, the idea of self improvement can feel about as achievable as finally folding all the washing piled high on the couch. We know we ought to take better care of our health. We know relationships need energy and work. We know we can have a career that we love. We know it’s possible to have our finances organised and our house decluttered and still have time for fun and recreation.

We know all of this, but we’re wondering who has time?

As mums, we easily slip into ‘survival’ mode. We sacrifice our own needs daily, while telling ourselves it’s only for a few years, and that we’ll make progress in our own lives when things calm down a little. But there is another way. You might not have long stretches of time available to make improvements in your life, but can you find just 15 minutes each day?

If you can, here are some powerful and achievable ways to get your act together in just 15 short minutes a day. Read the full article...
We're heading to Melbourne!
We'll be meeting in Melbourne for a few days to work on an exciting new project, and we'd love to meet up with some of our wonderful My 15 Minutes community while we're there.

If you're able to join us for a drink in the Southbank area on Tuesday 11th August from 6pm, that would be great. Please RSVP 'Yes' so we can work out where to meet and give us an idea of numbers.

It'll be a casual catch up and a chance to meet some other 15 Minuters (whether you’ve done the program or not). Would love to meet you!

Have a great week!

Emma & Audrey x

My 15 Minutes, Elder Circuit, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
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