Subject: Leads to Clients at 2 out of 5...

Leads to Clients at 2 out of 5...

February 2nd, 2020 at 6:00 pm EDT

Hi, If you know anything about local business leads you'll already know that the best leads are on LinkedIn but getting to them, or in front of them on LI is a total 'pita'... I bet what you didn't realise is that you can actually do this directly th ...

Getting the best kind of local leads [one's that convert]

February 2nd, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

Hi, If you know anything about local business leads you'll already know that the best leads are on LinkedIn but getting to them, or in front of them on LI is a total 'pita'... I bet what you didn't realise is that you can actually do this directly th ...

(Forgot this yesterday) Clever Consultant gets 2 clients out of 5?

February 1st, 2020 at 6:00 pm EDT

Hi, Yesterday I was pretty vague - sorry. Mike's new program is geared toward one thing and only one thing... "Getting leads for YOUR business" No services to offer, no income claims... purely just "client getting" and leads. Let me ask you, have yo ...

JV's: Smart Links Demo + Blog Defender Leaderboard

February 1st, 2020 at 8:29 am EDT

Hi, WP Smart Links update - the demo video review access for Smart Link (launching 3rd March) will be available early this week, please get in touch if you'd like early access for a review! Conversions are still holding strong for Blog Defender Loca ...

Using Microsoft to get LinkedIn [local] Leads on the cheap...

February 1st, 2020 at 7:00 am EDT

Hi, Yesterday I was pretty vague - sorry. Mike's new program is geared toward one thing and only one thing... "Getting leads for YOUR business" No services to offer, no income claims... purely just "client getting" and leads. Let me ask you, have yo ...

What if you could solve the "Lead Problem"?

January 31st, 2020 at 6:26 pm EDT

Hi, Are you still struggling to get offline clients for Your business? Well, don't worry because many people are in the same boat... You see, getting leads for your business is often the missing link to success, isn't it? you probably already know yo ...

There's plenty of quality leads out there, here's how to find them...

January 31st, 2020 at 7:09 am EDT

Hi, Are you still struggling to get offline clients for Your business? Well, don't worry because many people are in the same boat... You see, getting leads for your business is often the missing link to success, isn't it? you probably already know yo ...

2020: Local Business Resources & License - WordPress Security

January 30th, 2020 at 6:00 pm EDT

Hi, Did you grab your 2020 version of Blog Defender Local yet? It's still under $16 as I write this, but it's on a dimesale... Recap: WordPress Security is a massive and ongoing problem for local businessesand they are MORE THAN HAPPY to PAY someone ...

WP Security: Blog Post + Cheat Sheet + Action Guide [for local agencies]

January 30th, 2020 at 1:25 pm EDT

Hi, Did you grab your 2020 version of Blog Defender Local yet? It's still under $16 as I write this, but it's on a dimesale... Recap: WordPress Security is a massive and ongoing problem for local businessesand they are MORE THAN HAPPY to PAY someone ...

Get your blog secure today [+offer as a service]

January 29th, 2020 at 7:43 pm EDT

Hi, WordPress Security is a massive and ongoing problem for local businesses - they've usually struggled just getting a site up and running, and now they need to work out how to secure it and their client data as well... :-O Most are MORE THAN HAPP ...