Subject: You've already got all the leads magnets you need, here's how...


No matter what niche you're in, one of the most important things you can do is capture your visitors emails to build your list.

with social media platforms & search engine optimization you're not in control

If those platforms change their rules, your traffic is gone!

If you're accounts get banned or hacked, you're dead in the water...

BUT if you've captured those leads on to your own email list, you're in control!

you can email those leads as often as you want...

It's a traffic source that you can control

so you need to make the most of every opportunity you have to grab those leads, to get your visitors to optin and get on your email list

when someone visits your blog they've already shown that they're interested in your content, so this is your best opportunity to convert them to an email subscriber

because, even if they like your content, there's no guarantee that once they leave they will ever come back!

on the other hand, once you have their email address you can bring them back anytime you want...

the problem is that people nowadays are used to getting asked for their email, they know it has value to you

so they're unlikely to part with it without getting something of value to them in return...

and just throwing so 'general' lead magnet offer at them can work, but it's not going to max out your conversions like offering them something they are actively looking for right now!

remember, they came to your blog for a reason, if you can offer them a lead magnet that matches that reason you've just increased your conversions massively!

The solution?

It's actually simple, turn the blog post or page that brought them to you site in to the leads magnet!

The perfect solution, right?

except of course the practicality of creating lead magnets, optins forms and pages for every bit of content you have is simply not possible...

or is it..? :-)

here's how to AUTOMATE the whole process:

This plugin does it for you.

It turns ALL of your existing blog content in to email grabbing lead magnets!

Imagine the boost this can give to your list optins Today, Tomorrow and every day from here on...

and I got the guys behind this to setup a 50% discount coupon for you - "AUG50"

NOTE: this coupon only last for 48 hours!

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
