Subject: What does every business want more of?

Get More 5 Star Reviews For Clients


Social Proof, customer feedback and POSITIVE REVIEWS are gold dust to local businesses -

 - 86% of consumers read reviews of local businesses

 - Consumers are 68% more likely to use a local business if it has positive reviews

 - 70% of customers use ratings filters to see only businesses with 4-star and higher ratings

 - Businesses with more than 80 reviews earn 54% more in annual revenue

 - When searching for a local business, 60% of customers check Google My Business for reviews

Now you can offer to help any local business to get more positive reviews and feedback on their review site of choice hands free

It takes a few minutes to setup and you can charge a monthly fee for the service...

This new plugin includes QR codes for the customers to use

and a control panel for you to manage all your clients sites

Watch the demo here:

Find Out MORE

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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