Subject: What I've been doing for 15+ years...


NOTE: This offer ends tonight -

+ I've included a special bonus case study video where I go through the most successful products I've had over the last 15 years!

here's some of the successes directly from this method -

Teaching Art - $63,214 from popular software video tutorials created while on a long weekend break in Italy

Stopping Hacks - $152,676 from creating videos based on fixing a blog

Speedy Sites - $35,305 sales from tutorials teaching another basic website task everyone needs

Developing Like A Pro - $130,710 from tutorials on how to use a free software app

Lucrative Licensing - $55,082 from reselling GPL plugins & Themes

Getting Creative - $36,739 from putting together a collection of useful graphics for websites

Other People's Software - $5,852 from reselling a WhiteLabel App that cost $250

and that's just a few examples, there are many more...

A Good Product Doesn't Need To Be Revolutionary Or Cutting Edge To Sell - It Just Needs To Solve A Problem That People Have...

This is the real secret is creating products that sell, and keep on selling, because they fix a problem people are need solved.

and here's the important bit, you don't need to be an expert to do this!

there's no creative genius involved, just a simple process to follow...

And this is your chance to change your business for good by using the very same process...

Click the link now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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