Subject: Webcam insider info - Go from Newbie to PRO


just because you only have a basic webcam popped on top of your monitor doesn't mean your videos have to look like they were put together by n00b!

learn exactly how to stream & record with your webcam and get the best out of the equipment you already have -

Quick Summary:

 - Newbie-Friendly, Step-By-Step Process that even top filmmakers use to quickly get their cameras looking great

 - The Super-Secret settings most people don’t know about (and that most people can’t access) that let you take control of your camera (and exactly what to do with them)

 - A super sneaky tool that opens up all of your camera’s settings and puts you in the driver’s seat

 - The FREE streaming software that professional streamers use to create broadcast quality productions (and that can replace the expensive monthly fees of StreamYard etc)

 - The BEST streaming & recording settings to use to get your productions looking a million bucks in record time

 - How To Set-up & Add multiple people to a single stream, meaning you can record or stream your own interviews with ease

 - How to get your sound right: discover the tricks the professionals use to make their mics sound more professional (even if you don’t have the best mic around)

Note: this goes up in price to $197 in a couple of days, so grab it now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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