Subject: Want an unfair [video] advantage?


using videos in your business is essential nowadays, but oh boy can it be a hassle!

and expensive... :(

and Youtube is definitely not the answer nowadays, with all your videos being open to ads and displaying other people's 'related' content, stealing away your precious visitors!

but managing all your videos yourself doesn't have to be that way, here's the simplest video management system I've ever seen:

Quick Summary:

 - Works in ALL browsers all the time

 - Timed display of buy buttons

 - Works with Amazon S3, Rackspace, & other cloud-based streaming systems

 - Display Youtube videos without all the Youtube stuff at the end

 - Redirect to a specific page at the end of the video

 - Tracks pages and posts where videos are being used

 - Sort and search videos based on name and/or date

the guys behind this haven't made it available to the public before, and this is a very limited time offer...

so click the link now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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