Subject: WPToolkit has a new family member...


this week we're adding Split Test Monkey to the WP Toolkit Family!

just before the holidays I had an unexpected opportunity come my way that I just had to grab with both hands...

I've been a massive fan of Split Test Monkey since it launched and I've used it on every product I've launched for last 5 years, it' been my secret weapon to constantly pushing up conversions for my offers

I've also used it on landing pages, optin pages and blog posts to increase my lead conversions and get more optins...

basically any webpage that you use to get someone to take any action can be improved by split testing

To be fair I'm a big fan of pretty much all the Promote Labs & Monkey WebApps stuff, but Split Test Monkey is my favourite for a very good reason...

It's one of the simplest ways I've ever found of increasing how much money I make with THE LEAST possible effort!

IMHO everyone should split test more...

We've got plans for changes and improvements to the software, but before we put those in place (and take it to a Monthly Recurring subscription), we're giving people one last chance to get grand fathered in on the One Time Payment option...

WIIFM: and as an existing customer/subscriber of mine you get a very limited discount option before we go live with the public offer next Tuesday...

I do have an ulterior motive here - I'd like to get more feedback, reviews and suggestions for new features and improvements for the new version

so we've maxed out the discount to the lowest it has, or ever will be, as a 'bribe' to get you to give us that feedback...

Note: this offer will only be valid until the end of Sunday 13th Feb when we will close it down, permanently!

Click the link NOW:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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