Subject: Using RSS Tech for Bulk Linking to Powerful Authority Sites


if you don't really understand RSS technology that's ok...

I know SEO pros out there already know this stuff inside out, but I'll give a breakdown of how it works - 

we've modified the code of our wordpress blogs

So when we send a blogger rss feed to it, it creates an actual real new individual "blog post" on our wordpress blog.

And then that is pinged out to 180 update services every time a new post is created

So that blog is continually propagating

This wordpress blog also has it's own RSS feed

it's RSS feed is continually growing in content inside of it

There's this free service we use called IFTTT [If this then that] technology

It comes with 3 free actions to perform

So we make them do these actions:

1. post from your WP RSS feed to Twitter

2. post from your WP RSS feed to Blogger

3. post from your WP RSS feed to Tumblr

So that's what we do, we feed ITFFF all of our wordpress blogs RSS feed urls

Then each wordpress site gets their posts delivered to blogger, twitter and tumblr

That's 1 WordPress RSS feed to:

 - 10 Twitter accounts

 - 10 blogger blogs

 - 10 Tumblr blogs.

So when you feed the RSI Software - links and article content, including HTML embeds and videos and images

This content is re-displayed across a bunch of wordpress blogs, each reproducing their content to twitter, tumblr and blogger each 10 times.

So RSI does all that above, with blogger and Tumblr

RSI also ads the blogger blog to google webmaster tools for rapid indexing

This is the slow burn of white hat SEO, and while it's not 'white hat SEO', that's exactly what it looks like from the outside

Nobody could tell by looking that it's not 100% normal and organic

The amount of links created do take time to all get indexed, simply because of the volume

This is Great and by design, meaning the work you do today, will still be felt for weeks or even months!

Creating links that Stick.

And then you want to consolidate those rankings just a little more....

which is easy, all the links produced are stored in a PDF document.

That's placed on your hard drive for your records

So at any time, you can go back to previous projects

Simply copy those links made a couple of weeks ago -

Start up that same project used and drop the links from the projects from a couple of weeks ago, right in the software.

Creating another massive tiered linking system to your original links

Even more powerful!

And repeat ad infinitum...

The return on time invested with this tool gives you is enormous.

That serious amount of linking happening, produced in only 10 mins of software time, and even less of your time...

you just select a project and click next a couple of time, 2 mins max!

Peter Drew supplies the exact strategies to use to rank for VERY competitive terms.

The strategy videos that accompany the software tutorials are a masterclass in SEO on there own...

Register for the training HERE -

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Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett +

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