Subject: Unhappy Gurus 😥

Aww shucks. It looks like we managed to tick off some gurus with our webinar. Whoops.


Ermm… Sorry, NOT Sorry.

As predicted, a few of the marketers you follow got their panties in a bunch over the content Omar & Melinda revealed the other night.

Have you seen it yet?

If not, you should.

The bottom line is this…

NO. You do not need a list to succeed online.

NO. You don’t need to drive traffic either.

Heck, you don’t even need a product.

They proved it on the webinar.

You just need to understand the sneaky way these gurus all make their high ticket sales and that's exactly what Omar & Melinda exposed here...
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It’s time you saw EXACTLY how the big money is made so you can stop wasting your time on all those fad products that don’t work!

Omar & Melinda just rolled out their High Ticket Prophet Academy to get you making $297… $497…

and even $997 sales of your own.

 - Even if you have no product.

 - Even if you have no traffic.

ANYBODY CAN DO THIS. You don’t have to be a computer whiz.

As long as you are willing to make a tiny shift in your thinking, they will show you how to create the life of your dreams.

Watch the webinar replay today because there are only a few spots in the academy left at the time I wrote this email.

See you on the next page,

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

P.S. - If you miss this replay you will not get your hands on our High Ticket Prophet Academy offer and that would suck because this is quite possibly the greatest thing they’ve ever done online.

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