Subject: Turn free US Gov leads in to $1,500 per client


when most businesses were shut down this system was pulling in $25k a month with free leads from the US Government and a service that those leads need to have!

This is a service that clients will happily pay $1k setup fee for AND $500 ongoing in monthly fees -

plus you just set it up once and you're done!

Note: you don't need to be in the US to do this, nor do you need previous experience or tech skills to get started.

from one existing member -

"...So far we took 100 leads, got 22 sessions, closed 14 deals for a total of $14,000 in setup fees and $7000 in monthly recurring... in just a week..."

Inc. a real life case study so you can see it being done

This is still on the early bird pricing right now, so click the link to take a look for your self now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

John Merrick & Matt Garrett [previously]

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